How to become an escort hitch-free

One of the most obvious tips to become an escort is to get a website, take pictures, and always carry a condom. These tips may not be bad, but becoming an escort is not a hard and fast rule. Usually, an escort’s job is fun, but could also ruin your life if you don’t do the right thing. Read and learn how to become an escort without any stress.

Use a separate phone number

Don’t use the same telephone number you use for your regular daily life for your escort business. Using another phone number will protect you from receiving calls when it is not suitable for you. Also, using another phone for escorts protects your privacy.

Don’t promote your escort business on social media

Keep your escort business from social media platforms, which could affect your private life. Social media is not a good place to sell yourself as an escort. Whenever you choose to opt-out as an escort, your friends will not have too much evidence.

Dating is not explicitly prohibited on social platforms like Facebook, but the guidelines and policies discourage using these platforms solely for dating purposes. There are several reasons behind this approach.

Firstly, social platforms are designed to foster connections, communication, and sharing among friends, family, and acquaintances. Focusing solely on dating could detract from the original purpose of these platforms, leading to an environment that feels less genuine and more transactional.

Secondly, safety and privacy concerns come into play. Online dating can expose individuals to risks such as catfishing, scams, and inappropriate behaviour. By discouraging dating on their platforms, social networks aim to protect users from potential harm and maintain a safer online atmosphere.

Furthermore, dating-specific platforms offer features tailored to the dating experience, providing a more conducive environment for individuals looking for romantic relationships. They often include robust matching algorithms, detailed profiles, and privacy controls that cater specifically to dating needs.

Moreover, mixing dating with general social interactions might lead to misunderstandings or uncomfortable situations. Not everyone on a social platform might be interested in dating, and making advances without clear consent could lead to negative experiences or strained relationships.

Overall, while social platforms like Facebook do not explicitly prohibit dating, their primary focus is on facilitating broader social connections. By directing individuals towards dedicated dating platforms, they help create a more structured and secure environment for those seeking romantic relationships, while maintaining the integrity and purpose of their own platforms.

Apply to an agency to become an escort

Trying to start as an escort can be daunting if you don’t do it correctly. Registering with a reputable agency is the best way to start as an escort. An escort agency will protect your interest and ensure you are paid well. Furthermore, escort agencies are organized and will look out for you if there’s any problem. You can reach out to an escort Roma and apply.


Becoming an escort may not seem like the best profession, but it pays well. You can limit your escort to only attending dates, erotic dances, and keeping your client’s company. You mustn’t engage in any sexual act.